Friday, 3 January 2014

Ullapool, Cristobell, Tigerloaf, Bennett, Kepharel. It makes you want to weep.

Before I look at the Ullapool/indecent images thread I spoke of yesterday it may be worthwhile taking a look at some characters involved in Forum wars, and internal strife within CMOMM.  After all, I did say in my blog of 30th December:

Madeleine McCann Forums are curious animals that allow themselves no compromise; there is no half way, no balance in the way they have evolved. There are only pro and anti McCann Forums, and within each Forum is often an internecine battle between members, usually fundamentalists and free thinkers or in other words long term members and transients.’

And here is some proof of my point of view.  In order to present this to you I would introduce you to Cristobell of the anti McCann CMOMM Forum and Tigerloaf, of the pro McCann Stop the Myths Forum, who were involved in a bit of a spat recently.  I also came upon evidence of internal repression in CMOMM within Tony Bennett’s twitter correspondence with someone under the name of Kepheral who was banned sometime back in August.

First off, the inter-Forum Wars J  Cristobell, it would appear is a published author, R V Hutton, and a search of Amazon throws up 2 of her works which appear to be of a period drama genre.  Amazon does allow you to look-see inside one of her works and it left me with a feeling of each to his own. Her work titled Cry and you cry alone. The summary of this work is along the lines of

After an idyllic early childhood in Surrey, Linda's life descended into poverty and chaos when her parents' marriage crumbled and her unstable mother's sanity declined.

She experienced a brief period of comfort in a caring foster home before being plunged into the dark, terrifying world of a 1960s institution. St Anne's Convent, Orpington, was a Catholic children's home run by the infamous Sisters of Mercy and a former monk who inflicted bizarre and barbaric beliefs and practices on the children in his care.

Cry and You Cry Alone is the achingly honest story of a survivor of shocking child abuse that took place in the heart of an English suburb.

Based, it would appear on true events.  The story has been reviewed 6 times, with plaudits it has to be said, but with one reviewer, having first hand experience of St Annes, clearly unimpressed as so

‘3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars How sad??, 18 April 2013
Being one of the girls who was at St. Anne's convent for a number of years during the 1960's and knowing the nuns mentioned. Their characters described in this book are totally alien to me and to my friends who were also at St. Anne's.
Yes, the nuns were strict but..they certainly did NOT abuse us in anyway shape or form.
This book does not portray the real truth to what it was really like to be in St. Anne's!
How sad that the author felt the need to take legal action!
The author lost her case......need I say more?’

If you wish to see Cristobell/Huttons lengthy defence of her position it may also be seen on the Amazon site.

Having now introduced Cristobell a quick look at her adversary, Tigerloaf, reveals his/her more modest credentials as an active pro McCann Forum member (Stop The Myths) who clashed swords with Cristobell within a thread called

Debate between Tigerloaf and Cristobell

That spilled over onto twitter.  The exchange has all the hallmarks of a couple of drunks swinging punches at one another without ever connecting.  What the spat may actually be about may be found under another Tigerloaf post  on the StopThe Myths Forum entitled

Rosalind/Rosalinda/RV/Linda Hutton shows her hate openly

posted on 11th December.  The following discourse may be found as so

Cristobell Today at 10:42 pm
Gerry was deluded into believing he could fool all the people, all of the time, and lets face it, we almost had another tragedy on the scale of the death of Diana, such was the public response. 

This sentence is not a question inquiring about the case. It is a nasty and vicious slur on a man who has committed no crime and is desperate to find his missing child? Is it any wonder when you post such vicious and hateful claims that you are labelled “a hater”?

Their campaign was successful beyond their wildest dreams. 

No it was not. Do you not have the tiniest amount of understanding in that nodding head of yours that the success that the McCanns dream of is them being re-united with their daughter. Your sick pretence to understand their dreams is tantamount to an evil rejoicing in their failure to find her. Yet more good reason for that label of ‘hater’ to stick to you like glue.

I tend to think these days that the McCann case will forever be linked to the birth of social networks, I may have said this elsewhere. Within hours Madeleine's face was was part of a chain mail campaign, one of those pass this on to at least 10 people or your doomed emails that are now happily spammed out, but they flourished in 2007. 

I tend to think that you are now showing your truer colours. This nastiness is the real you isn’t it? There was no “doomed email” with Madeleine’s picture. There was a great swell of love for a missing child and a real and perceived desire to do whatever could be done to find her, no matter how small that action might be. Thus thousands stood in cold stadia and watched videos in virtual silence, football stars begged for news, people went up to Brian Kennedy and literally forced money on him in the hope it might help, people passed emails willingly with the little girl’s picture in the hope they were helping. But you see none of that. You call those efforts spam and doomed emails. Your comments are absolutely sick and perverse.

From the photos we have seen Kate and Gerry rarely left their laptops, 

That is simply not true. I challenge you to provide proof of that claim. But I know you cannot do so because you have once again been caught in the act of posting pure lies.

the internet is a great leveler and they not only had access to the great and good, they were having doors flung open for them. They managed to convince 'everyone' that they were victims, money would help them find their daughter and it was evil to question them.

Your vicious nature is so evident in those two lines. The parents of a missing little girl are being vilified by you and you cannot substantiate any of the claims you are making about them. Your actions are bordering on evil they are so perverse.

Unfortunately for them, those heady days have now gone. The internet which turned them into a Cause Celebre, has blown apart their flimsy story because information is freely available, its not confined by borders anymore. 

Again you sound like a nasty, spiteful person attacking the very vulnerable parents of a missing child. Why are you posting such spite and hate? You claimed on Icke TV to be simply questioning and inquiring but that was yet another of your lies. There has not been a question yet in this post of yours. It has been a stream of demented harridan-style shrieks of anger and hate at missing Madeleine’s parents? What is it about you that is making you so vicious?

The British public can find the true story behind this case, simply by Googling Madeleine McCann. 

No, they cannot. That is an absurd and ridiculous claim. If the true story was actually known why would there be no solution to the case? Why would the police forces of both the UK and Portugal be actively seeking that truth? You are simply posting idiotic nonsense now.

Gerry's posturing with Hacked Off is comparable to King Canute attempting to order the tide to turn back. 

Gerry is just one of the victims of the horrendously poor reporting which UK papers have descended into over the years. There are many other cases which your post also is decrying. For the sake of those people and everyone else who deserves not to be misused by the press there are people making a stand. Just because you are so engrossed in your campaign against the McCanns and cannot see the full picture does not mean it does not exist.

He truly believes he can keep the facts of the case away from the
UK forevermore, and who can blame him, thus far he has been successful. 

Again, that cannabis-addled brain of yours has missed two vital points. It is not success for Gerry till he has closure (preferably the return of his daughter alive) and it is not the aim of the McCanns to keep the case of Madeleine hidden. Only the most pot-riddled brain could believe that rubbish.

But back closer to topic, unfortunately such is the standard of education in this country we are still faced with the mentality, 'well I've got nothing to hide, so I don't care'. 

There is much evidence of the appalling standard of illiteracy and poor education on all the anti McCann sites, even in your own blog where spellings and grammatical errors abound but as you say so frequently, “Ce la vie!” (sic). Actually I laughed uproariously earlier today when I was informed that you were once a Lecturer in English. Go on prove me wrong a 110 times about that and demonstrate that you were. I bet that you cannot and that is yet another lie from you.

I usually ask such people if they are happy to have their medical and financial details on a large database, accessible to to every penpushing jobsworth who may, or may not, decide to make their lives a misery.

And you are part of the anti McCann group who are demanding to see the private records of Kate and Madeleine McCann. Your pathetic hypocrisy is there for all to see.

I am truly disgusted that you went on air the other day bemoaning the fact that you were called a hater, telling the viewer that you were merely inquiring and asking questions when you have posted this shrieking hatred with not a question in it. 

You are beneath contempt for your vicious hate demonstrated so clearly here and for your continual lying.

Only coming into this spat late I can only assume this remark below from Cristobell on Twitter on 17th Decemeber was her response to the above.

'If you think I am wasting my time reading all that shite you are mistaken.  As if LOL'

Yes, this is what passes for debate on Maddie you want to be part of it?

Now on to Tony Bennett in Twitterland.. and a tweet I noticed on 27th August from a disgruntled banned forum member calling himself Kepharel

@Selbars which case I apologise sincerely for my error. All tweets and threads on JillHavern forum referring to you and Mirror removed

Quite what the Daily Mirror had to do with it I don’t know but it would appear that Kepharel and that newspaper formed part of an accusation by Bennett.  I have checked postings on CMOMM and found the postings of the Kepharel character to be entertaining though he personally exhibits a high degree of conceit and a ‘look how clever I am’ attitude.  I can understand why he was banned in the context of CMOMM’s intolerance to debate.  What is irritating is Bennett’s remark that all tweets and threads on CMOMM have been removed so we will never know for sure why Kepharel was banned.  What was I saying again about a Cold War Central European State and a Maddie Forum?

Taking a break now and then on to that Ullapool thread discussion, maybe later today.


  1. I am sure that Cristobell (Rosalinda Hutton) did read everything that was written about her. She wouldn't admit it, of course. I disagree with Rosalinda's views on the McCanns, but at least she is prepared to be open as to her identity. Even so, she defends people like Brenda Leyland who hid behind the name of "Sweepyface". Rosalinda Hutton is refreshingly open about her bipolar disorder, but I suspect she needs to return to her psychiatrist or seek out another specialist. I suspect that Rosalinda is bipolar, but also suffers from a borderline personality disorder. She needs to make this case all about herself. Any talents she has a writer are being spent on insults to Kate and Gerry McCann. Rosalinda can be very witty, but she has made this tragedy all about herself. She is able to find a certain 'following' by virtue of being cleverer with language than most of the other McCann doubters who have an ongoing presence on the internet. She is clearly furious with the McCanns, and even 'if' she believes in their guilt, it is very strange, when there are people such as Josef Fritzel to 'hate', if one is truly interested in justice. Kate McCann obviously gets to Rosalinda in a very personal way, which is very typical of people with borderline personality disorder. Rosalinda is clearly not psychotic and knows that Kate is not out to personally get to her; but she FEELS all of Kate's actions as a personal insult to herself. They are clearly very different kinds of women, but Rosalinda can't seem to accept that. I don't believe that I could jog, or put on makeup if my child went missing either - but I can accept that Kate McCann is not me, and therefore reacts to things differently. Also, I have never been in Kate McCann's unfortunate and tragic position, so who knows what I might do? I knew a woman once who was gang raped and lived in a private psychiatric hospital most of the time. She had post traumatic stress disorder, and could barely function. But, for some reason, she went to an extraordinary amount of effort in putting on makeup, doing her hair, and making sure she looked good - every day - despite being in hospital. People with Borderline Personality Disorder cannot accept that people are made up of a mixture of all kinds of personality and character traits, both toxic and benign. They see people as either all 'good' or all 'bad', and whatever other people 'are', they experience it all as a slight upon themselves.

  2. On and on and on it goes but what happened to dear Madeline .
