Hi folks,
taking some time off due to a loss in the family. A timely reminder of what's important. Back in the future maybe.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Saturday, 4 January 2014
CMOMM and 'Research', The Latest News Discussion Group, and arch propagandist Tony Bennett
This could be a very quick and accurate post if I just said 'There is none'. There are various 'research groups' with dedicated responsibilities if we are to believe the home page of the Forum so lets take a look at the only one with any regular member interaction; The Madeleine McCann Research Group with at least two regular contributors, PeterMac and SmokeAndMirrors. First off I will take a look-see at PeterMac's recent contributions to the various discussion groups.
In the latest news section for the three months ending December 2013 PeterMac has authored the following 17 posts.
- Yet another Good One From Blacksmith
- Blacksmiths Rothley Message
- Trip to Huelva
- Dr Roberts again, just a short one
- Private Eye - still on the case
- Article from Psychology today
- More good ones from Lazzelie lies in the sun
- How to carry a child
- Another by Dr Martin Roberts
- Another stormer from Lazzerlie lies in the sun
- AND YET another one - which should have its own thread
- Daily Record
- International Business Times Article
- A new one from Lazzerlie lies in the sun
- How many people have the McCanns silenced or attempted to silence
- End Game - Dr Roberts acknowledgements
Just one thread, 'The Trip to Huelva' appears to have some effort applied to it though it is not by any definition 'Latest News'
The two posts authored by this member are neither research nor latest news, they being
- Message to guests viewing this Forum - Invite to sign up
- Yahoo comments
A MMRG officer who has not offered any research on the Latest News threads at all in the 3 months to December 2013
Tony Bennett... researcher or propagandist
Bennett's claim to fame has been his heavily agnostic views on Gerry and Kate McCann's innocence and lack of involvement in the disappearance of their daughter, encouraging anyone who will listen to follow suit. I personally think there is considerable merit in the case he puts forward, and I have much sympathy with it. He has certainly irritated the McCann's who have shut him up to a large degree through legal action.
He does however have a pair of Achilles heels. He is intolerant to any explanation that does not include the parent's involvement in their daughter's disappearance, and he is intolerant of any person prepared to criticise his views. CMOMM suits him, he is a founding member and basks in the sycophancy of other members. Though holding no status within the Forum he can be instrumental in deciding what posts should be deleted and who should be banned.
Am I being fair? Well let's take a look at his posts on the Latest News discussion group for the last three months. We have
- Gerry McCann brother in law and depraved images
- The Mark Williams-Thomas thread
- Dr Kate McCann to appear in BBC Charity appeal for missing children
- The secret love affair between Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson
- The Peoples Voice video with Stephen Birch
- Dr Matthew Oldfield claimed to be brother of Adrian Oldfield
- Former Director of McCanns private Company promoted to the Cabinet
- Peter Verran.
When seen together these trivialities of postings and their implications take on an insidiousness and transparency that show his true purpose.
Maybe I'm wrong. I shall be taking a look at the Theories Group next week and seeing if any worthwhile research has been carried out there by the Forum's researchers. Let me suggest, as an interim, a more accurate title that carries at least something of the gravitas of the title researcher.... FORUM NEWS CO-ORDINATOR. Tomorrow is Sunday so it is my day of rest, back next week!!
Dianne Webster 28th April to 2nd May 2007
Fiona Payne's mum was something of an outsider in the holiday group. Her husband, although invited too, didn't want to go, but she decided on the trip anyway. During the week she took upon herself only a few responsibilities to help out her daughter, and pretty much otherwise did her own 'thing'.
She was a late addition to the party and not well known by others in this somewhat close knit cabal of regular holiday makers, though Russell O'Brien did remark in his Rogatory interview with Leicester Police that:
"Dianne WEBSTER is Fiona’s mother we obviously met her through Fiona and Dave PAYNE, we have been friends with them for some time meeting them at Fiona and Dave’s house. We have been for trips out on their boat I’d say we know Dianne quite well."
Dianne is something of an ephemeral figure in the saga of Madeleine McCann and without the closeness of ties binding the rest of the group it is difficult to get any kind of insight into what kind of person she is purely from the information available in the public domain. However from John Blacksmith, in his blog review of Kate's book 'Madeleine we have two incidental but sharp observations of her that chime me; that of his reading of Kate's assessment of Dianne, and his own assessment, cleverly and succinctly woven together:
"the stage-comedy scatty old lady Dianne Webster, who can't even remember her own address and isn't old at all, veering wildly between genuine forgetfulness and a sharp suspicion that the less she says about anything the better for everybody."
Typically she had breakfast on her own in the apartment from 8:00 am while the rest of the family took theirs at the Millenium restaurant situated in the Mark Warner Complex. It was only on the Wednesday of that week that she went along with the family routine because it was raining on that day. On arrival Dianne had put herself, Kate and Jane Tanner down for tennis lessons, and after breakfast during the week, except for that Wednesday, she would attend the tennis coaching lessons; there were two sessions between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. but she decided on the 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. slot. Dianne never made it her business to drop the kids off for the morning crèche activities.
Around mid morning, following tennis she would occasionally go to the Batista supermarket and buy provisions for lunch which was taken by most of the group in the Paynes apartment starting at around 12:15 to 12:30 in the afternoon, it being larger and more accommodating than those of the others. Interestingly, the only consistent absentees from these gatherings were the McCanns who made their own arrangements during the week. As far as the morning goes, other than getting in provisions Dianne tells us she spent the morning, after taking a shower following the tennis, relaxing on the verandah or popping down to the pool for a spot of sunbathing. The following is from Dianne's Rogatory interview with Leicester Police on the 11th April 2008.
D.C Ferguson ”What did you do for lunch?”
Reply ”Lunch I think we had that in the apartment err there was a Supermarket just down the road, which I think I went a few times and did shopping, err put some stuff in the house because obviously it was an apartment with a kitchen and whatnot. Err I spent a lot of time making sandwiches.”
D.C. Ferguson ”Did you do the preparing for, because I understand a lot of people visited for lunch time because it was the biggest apartment?”
Reply ”Yeah, yeah.”
D.C. Ferguson ”So did you end up doing all the preparations?”
Reply ”Yeah I used to err I volunteered, I wasn’t expected to but err but I can’t, I can’t, I wouldn’t say that was everyday.
It was only after lunch that Dianne might take on child minding responsibilities for her daughter and son-in-law after the children had attended the morning playgroup (according to the creche registers). The Payne children never attended afternoon playgroups. From her Leicester rogatory interview we have:
"D.C. Ferguson ”And in relation to your granddaughters, they went to the kids club in the morning. Did they go in the afternoon or?”
Reply ”No because err I think it was only the older ones that, that err had an afternoon kids club. Err I don’t know, well I don’t think they did, because I know they only went to one of them and I think Scarlet was in the other one, I don’t think they were both in the same one. But I don’t, no I don’t think they did err I don’t think they went to the afternoon one.”
This is supported by the fact that though the name of the eldest appeared on each afternoon crèche register she was never once signed in or out. Presumably then the children's names were pre-written before attendance. One would have thought that if the registers had merely been incomplete then the chances are her presence would have been timed and signed for at least once. Also, we have this from Dianne's testimony to the Policia Judicaire on 11th May 2007:
"After lunch the children took a nap, usually staying in her care, since they [the adults] went with the PAYNEs to continue with, together, the leisure activities to which the holidays were dedicated. The purpose of those activities, it is clear, that it was usual to go to the beach, pool and practice several sports monitored by the resort. Also she went to the beach at times with the Paynes and the children when they were not at the Kids Club."
During this time Dianne would remain in the apartment, usually reading. The Paynes, for their part, continued with their holiday activities unhindered by parental responsibility until about a quarter to five in the afternoon or thereabouts, though Fiona did spend time with her mother in the apartment of an afternoon. From her police interview on the 4th May we have:
Concerning the usual routines, the informant states that she only spent part of each afternoon with her family and that not always. Sometimes she read, she went shopping or did other things.
Between 4:30 and 5:00pm the crèches would empty and the children brought to the Tapas Bar by the crèche staff to be reunited with their parents and provided with their evening meal. As Kate explains:
"Just before 5:00pm the Nannies would bring the children to a raised area next to the Tapas restaurant to meet their parents and have 'High Tea'. Madeleine's Mini Club arrived walking in single file clutching Sammy Snake, a long rope with coloured rings attached to it"
Dianne would stay with the family at the Tapas until about 6:30 pm in the evening before returning to the apartment where the adults would prepare the children for bed. They would hopefully be asleep by 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm whereupon the whole group, including Dianne Webster, would make ready to dine at the Tapas in the evening where a table had been pre-booked by Rachael Oldfield for the week for 8:30pm to dine until around 11:00 pm. Dianne was want to note during her police interviews that she never at any time checked upon the children personally, during the adult evening Tapas meal, as part of the regime of regular checks, instigated at the beginning of the holiday and carried out by the rest of the group. She also commented that it was her understanding that the various 'checkers' only ever checked on their own children, and not those of other members of the party.
Jane Tanner offers us one possibly further small insight into Dianne with the following rather unflattering remark.
"D.C. Ferguson “And what about the rest of the group, can you comment on what they were drinking?”
Reply “Erm, no, we just tended to stick with, because the wine was included, we tended to stick with just the, the wine that was given, so. I’ll tell you, the person who drank most of the wine was actually Fiona’s mum, Dianne was the, was the biggest drinker of the lot of us actually, which is quite”.
D.C. Ferguson “It’s coping with all those children around her”.
Reply “Yeah, exactly. So, no, I mean, nobody was, nobody was that drunk that night at all”.
![]() |
Dianne Webster |
"Dianne WEBSTER is Fiona’s mother we obviously met her through Fiona and Dave PAYNE, we have been friends with them for some time meeting them at Fiona and Dave’s house. We have been for trips out on their boat I’d say we know Dianne quite well."
Dianne is something of an ephemeral figure in the saga of Madeleine McCann and without the closeness of ties binding the rest of the group it is difficult to get any kind of insight into what kind of person she is purely from the information available in the public domain. However from John Blacksmith, in his blog review of Kate's book 'Madeleine we have two incidental but sharp observations of her that chime me; that of his reading of Kate's assessment of Dianne, and his own assessment, cleverly and succinctly woven together:
"the stage-comedy scatty old lady Dianne Webster, who can't even remember her own address and isn't old at all, veering wildly between genuine forgetfulness and a sharp suspicion that the less she says about anything the better for everybody."
Typically she had breakfast on her own in the apartment from 8:00 am while the rest of the family took theirs at the Millenium restaurant situated in the Mark Warner Complex. It was only on the Wednesday of that week that she went along with the family routine because it was raining on that day. On arrival Dianne had put herself, Kate and Jane Tanner down for tennis lessons, and after breakfast during the week, except for that Wednesday, she would attend the tennis coaching lessons; there were two sessions between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. but she decided on the 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. slot. Dianne never made it her business to drop the kids off for the morning crèche activities.
Around mid morning, following tennis she would occasionally go to the Batista supermarket and buy provisions for lunch which was taken by most of the group in the Paynes apartment starting at around 12:15 to 12:30 in the afternoon, it being larger and more accommodating than those of the others. Interestingly, the only consistent absentees from these gatherings were the McCanns who made their own arrangements during the week. As far as the morning goes, other than getting in provisions Dianne tells us she spent the morning, after taking a shower following the tennis, relaxing on the verandah or popping down to the pool for a spot of sunbathing. The following is from Dianne's Rogatory interview with Leicester Police on the 11th April 2008.
D.C Ferguson ”What did you do for lunch?”
Reply ”Lunch I think we had that in the apartment err there was a Supermarket just down the road, which I think I went a few times and did shopping, err put some stuff in the house because obviously it was an apartment with a kitchen and whatnot. Err I spent a lot of time making sandwiches.”
D.C. Ferguson ”Did you do the preparing for, because I understand a lot of people visited for lunch time because it was the biggest apartment?”
Reply ”Yeah, yeah.”
D.C. Ferguson ”So did you end up doing all the preparations?”
Reply ”Yeah I used to err I volunteered, I wasn’t expected to but err but I can’t, I can’t, I wouldn’t say that was everyday.
It was only after lunch that Dianne might take on child minding responsibilities for her daughter and son-in-law after the children had attended the morning playgroup (according to the creche registers). The Payne children never attended afternoon playgroups. From her Leicester rogatory interview we have:
"D.C. Ferguson ”And in relation to your granddaughters, they went to the kids club in the morning. Did they go in the afternoon or?”
Reply ”No because err I think it was only the older ones that, that err had an afternoon kids club. Err I don’t know, well I don’t think they did, because I know they only went to one of them and I think Scarlet was in the other one, I don’t think they were both in the same one. But I don’t, no I don’t think they did err I don’t think they went to the afternoon one.”
This is supported by the fact that though the name of the eldest appeared on each afternoon crèche register she was never once signed in or out. Presumably then the children's names were pre-written before attendance. One would have thought that if the registers had merely been incomplete then the chances are her presence would have been timed and signed for at least once. Also, we have this from Dianne's testimony to the Policia Judicaire on 11th May 2007:
"After lunch the children took a nap, usually staying in her care, since they [the adults] went with the PAYNEs to continue with, together, the leisure activities to which the holidays were dedicated. The purpose of those activities, it is clear, that it was usual to go to the beach, pool and practice several sports monitored by the resort. Also she went to the beach at times with the Paynes and the children when they were not at the Kids Club."
During this time Dianne would remain in the apartment, usually reading. The Paynes, for their part, continued with their holiday activities unhindered by parental responsibility until about a quarter to five in the afternoon or thereabouts, though Fiona did spend time with her mother in the apartment of an afternoon. From her police interview on the 4th May we have:
Concerning the usual routines, the informant states that she only spent part of each afternoon with her family and that not always. Sometimes she read, she went shopping or did other things.
Between 4:30 and 5:00pm the crèches would empty and the children brought to the Tapas Bar by the crèche staff to be reunited with their parents and provided with their evening meal. As Kate explains:
"Just before 5:00pm the Nannies would bring the children to a raised area next to the Tapas restaurant to meet their parents and have 'High Tea'. Madeleine's Mini Club arrived walking in single file clutching Sammy Snake, a long rope with coloured rings attached to it"
Dianne would stay with the family at the Tapas until about 6:30 pm in the evening before returning to the apartment where the adults would prepare the children for bed. They would hopefully be asleep by 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm whereupon the whole group, including Dianne Webster, would make ready to dine at the Tapas in the evening where a table had been pre-booked by Rachael Oldfield for the week for 8:30pm to dine until around 11:00 pm. Dianne was want to note during her police interviews that she never at any time checked upon the children personally, during the adult evening Tapas meal, as part of the regime of regular checks, instigated at the beginning of the holiday and carried out by the rest of the group. She also commented that it was her understanding that the various 'checkers' only ever checked on their own children, and not those of other members of the party.
Jane Tanner offers us one possibly further small insight into Dianne with the following rather unflattering remark.
"D.C. Ferguson “And what about the rest of the group, can you comment on what they were drinking?”
Reply “Erm, no, we just tended to stick with, because the wine was included, we tended to stick with just the, the wine that was given, so. I’ll tell you, the person who drank most of the wine was actually Fiona’s mum, Dianne was the, was the biggest drinker of the lot of us actually, which is quite”.
D.C. Ferguson “It’s coping with all those children around her”.
Reply “Yeah, exactly. So, no, I mean, nobody was, nobody was that drunk that night at all”.
Friday, 3 January 2014
CMOMM Ullapool thread how to turn an unsavoury news topic into a Madeleine Topic
I have mentioned this completely unrelated thread to
anything Maddie previously. It was an
extremely popular thread about how a teacher with an indecent image of children
and a bestialty image came to be struck off.
It’s the way of the world these cases get reported regularly in the
Press. What’s interesting is how it
became a Madeleine McCann thread. The
first few replies tut! tut! This sorry state of affairs before the Master
manipulator Tony Bennett introduces this on Friday 8th of November.
‘There is a potentially sinister
connection between the conviction of Martin Ingrams, History Teacher at Ullapool High
School ,
and Philomena McCann, sister of Dr Gerald McCann, who teaches 'Modern Studies'
there. The potentially sinister connection is not the fact that she teaches
there, after all, there can be no 'guilt by association' just be being a
teacher at the same school. The sinister aspect relates to the involvement of
her husband, Tony Rickwood, in the deviant sexual fetish of publishing
'quicksand fetish photos'. To the uninitiated, this involves producing photos,
or 'art', of women sinking in quicksand or swamps.
Rickwood has posted some of his
work on this site: http://scopertonosol.deviantart.com/ - where his username is
'auroraman'. Not surprisingly he keeps his real name off that forum. Moreover,
his obsession with the quicksand fetish has been passed to DCI Andy Redwood of
Operation Grange. A group has been working on this now for some months, but
details have now been published on Twitter, as these tweets reveal:
Now, all of a sudden we have the connection to a McCann. Philomena's husband has a fetish about women drowning
in quicksand and he posts some of his illustrations on a deviant art website. The idea here is to implicate Gerry McCann as
being no better than his brother-in law, though he has no blood ties to the
individual. We are encouraged to believe
the tacit approval of his sister into Rickwood’s very unsavoury though not
illegal pursuits. Oh Dear!! While Bennett
continues to ladle on the facts in a further post, students of the
disappearance, such as member Daisy, vow
to examine and study Tony’s revelations still further. And this is only the
first page of the thread.
![]() |
You went to Ullapool once didn't you? you must be related to Gerry McCann you Pervert!! |
Bennett later gives us entirely irrelevant material relating
to Rickwood on page 2, namely he has a job on a salmon farm, he’s a birdwatcher
(Twitcher variety) and he’s interested
in the Aurora Borealis. Thank you Tony,
the explanation for the mystery becomes clearer by the second. There now follows another round of tut! Tutting
together with a few scattergun remarks from assorted members.
On page 3, inevitably the Gaspars are introduced into the
thread (suspicions of paedophilia made known to the police by friends of the
Paynes over a conversation between David Payne and Gerry McCann) together with
the empty CATS file (please look it up if you are interested) and Eddie &
Keela sniffer dog alerts in the apartment.
Ullapool seems a long way away now thanks to Tony Bennett. Any vestigaes
of what this thread is about go up in a puff of smoke with this post by
SmokeAndMirrors, a CMOMM nominated researcher for the Forum on November the 9th..
‘I have no doubt whatsoever in
my mind, that newspaper editors, SY, PJ, various criminal psychologists and so
on, are aware of MUCH MORE about this case and the people involved (even those
involved by association) than these unsavoury "co-incidences' that keep
cropping up, they have tools of detection beyond those we can access, and it
has long been my view, and indeed hope, that the drawn out and prolonged nature
of the investigation is to ensure that the whole rancid lot can be scooped up
and disposed of.
Whilst we all long for some sort
of conclusion to this case so that an innocent child may receive justice, I
would not wish it to be in any way expedited at the expense of allowing a
single one of these sordid characters to evade justice.
We have long gone past the
possibility of co-incidence with all these grotesque anomalies, this is
becoming something depraved beyond our worst nightmares.’
Rickwood and the teacher now
provide 2 school based perverts according to PeterMac, another reaseacher for
The subject matter drifts back
to Ullapool for a short while reaching a crescendo with this Tony Bennett post
‘More from Tony Rickwood a.k.a. 'Auroraman'
a.k.a. 'scopertonosol' - writing as 'scopertonosol' on the 'Deviant Art'
website (under pic of naked lady in quicksand):
"I've always wanted to do a sort of tribute to Enrique Romero
who did, among others, the amazing AXA comic strip. A formative scene for me
was when the heroine is led into quicksand by a jealous rival and left to sink
to her doom. Now ordinarily I'm not for doing nude artwork, but since it is in
the spirit of the original comic series, I am making this one exception. It's
not the best render, but I hope that it comes across OK".
It seems he has a number of fans
of his work on the site, for example:
PM2K: "I loved that AXA scene - pity there were no really good scans
of it available - and this really is a great tribute".
pete1672: "Can only echo PM2K's statement, this is excellent".
It’s only page 3 I’m hoping by now I have made my point
about discussion groups. There is another 33 pages of this drivel, touching on subjects
such as the Ullapool school trip to Turkey, Philomena McCann’s personal, and entirely understandable involvement being
brought under the spotlight (she is employed by them for crissakes) in a most insidious way, Kate McCann’s book,
paedophilia being treated leniently by the courts, and adobe photo-shopping
images. A shining light of integrity
briefly appears with this post from ProffessrPPlum on 10th November.
‘At the risk of being unpopular,
I worry that some people have gone a bit overboard trying to make mud stick to
this guy. I know there are people who believe the 'last' photos are faked (particularly
the pool picture) and latch on to anyone in the McCann's immediately family who
can do clever things with photoShop.
I've got a lot of experience
working on images (including faking images which is great fun as my avatar
shows) and I am confident that while the pool photo may have been taken on some
other date, it certainly hasn't been photoshopped. I've made this point to
folks with a lot less experience than me on a couple of threads in this forum
but many want it to be true so much that they ignore my advice and go looking
for the photoshop wizard in the McCann family to back up their conspiracy
As to whether creating pictures
of women in quicksand is anything more than an unpleasant (but essentially
harmless) middle-aged fetish or fantasy, who know? At worst, it suggests to me
the kind of low-level misogyny you find everywhere online in Facebook, YouTube,
discussion forums, Twitter and so on - but that doesn't make him a pervert or a
dangerous individual.
For your information, 'Deviant
Art' is one of the oldest and - in internet terms - most respected creative
websites for showcasing all kinds of digital 'artwork'. To go off on one about
it being perverted and obscene reveals a lack of understanding of that
community. Deviant Art is just a cross-section of the internet; it represents
everything and stands for nothing in particular. Of course there are some
pictures there that make you uncomfortable but that's a matter of preference, a
subjective judgment.
The eagerness with which people
have pounced on this man in the quest to find some kind of paedophile angle (the
Holy Grail of the McCann case?) does this forum's credibility no favours IMO.’
This leads us into another old chestnut of ‘The last photo’
being doctored.
Sorry, but I've just lost the will to live!! I am leaving
this blog entry right now.
Ullapool, Cristobell, Tigerloaf, Bennett, Kepharel. It makes you want to weep.
Before I look at the Ullapool/indecent images thread I spoke
of yesterday it may be worthwhile taking a look at some characters involved in
Forum wars, and internal strife within CMOMM.
After all, I did say in my blog of 30th December:
‘Madeleine McCann Forums are curious animals
that allow themselves no compromise; there is no half way, no balance in the
way they have evolved. There are only pro and anti McCann Forums, and within
each Forum is often an internecine battle between members, usually fundamentalists
and free thinkers or in other words long term members and transients.’
And here is some proof of my point of
view. In order to present this to you I
would introduce you to Cristobell of the anti McCann CMOMM Forum and Tigerloaf,
of the pro McCann Stop the Myths Forum, who were involved in a bit of a spat
recently. I also came upon evidence of
internal repression in CMOMM within Tony Bennett’s twitter correspondence with
someone under the name of Kepheral who was banned sometime back in August.
First off, the inter-Forum Wars J Cristobell, it would appear is a published
author, R V Hutton, and a search of Amazon throws up 2 of her works which
appear to be of a period drama genre.
Amazon does allow you to look-see inside one of her works and it left me
with a feeling of each to his own. Her work titled Cry and you cry alone. The
summary of this work is along the lines of
‘After an idyllic early
childhood in Surrey , Linda's life
descended into poverty and chaos when her parents' marriage crumbled and her
unstable mother's sanity declined.
She experienced a brief period of comfort in a caring foster home before being plunged into the dark, terrifying world of a 1960s institution. St Anne's Convent, Orpington, was a Catholic children's home run by the infamous Sisters of Mercy and a former monk who inflicted bizarre and barbaric beliefs and practices on the children in his care.
Cry and You Cry Alone is the achingly honest story of a survivor of shocking child abuse that took place in the heart of an English suburb.
She experienced a brief period of comfort in a caring foster home before being plunged into the dark, terrifying world of a 1960s institution. St Anne's Convent, Orpington, was a Catholic children's home run by the infamous Sisters of Mercy and a former monk who inflicted bizarre and barbaric beliefs and practices on the children in his care.
Cry and You Cry Alone is the achingly honest story of a survivor of shocking child abuse that took place in the heart of an English suburb.
Based, it would appear on true events. The story has been reviewed 6 times, with plaudits it has to be said, but with one reviewer, having first hand experience
of St Annes, clearly unimpressed as so
‘3 of 4 people found the following review
Being one of the girls who was at St. Anne's
convent for a number of years during the 1960's and knowing the nuns mentioned.
Their characters described in this book are totally alien to me and to my
friends who were also at St. Anne's.
Yes, the nuns were strict but..they certainly did NOT abuse us in anyway shape or form.
This book does not portray the real truth to what it was really like to be in St. Anne's!
How sad that the author felt the need to take legal action!
The author lost her case......need I say more?’
Yes, the nuns were strict but..they certainly did NOT abuse us in anyway shape or form.
This book does not portray the real truth to what it was really like to be in St. Anne's!
How sad that the author felt the need to take legal action!
The author lost her case......need I say more?’
If you wish to see Cristobell/Huttons lengthy defence of
her position it may also be seen on the Amazon site.
Having now introduced Cristobell a quick look at her
adversary, Tigerloaf, reveals his/her more modest credentials as an active pro
McCann Forum member (Stop The Myths) who clashed swords with Cristobell within a thread called
Debate between Tigerloaf and
That spilled over onto twitter. The exchange has all the hallmarks of a
couple of drunks swinging punches at one another without ever connecting. What the spat may actually be about may be
found under another Tigerloaf post on
the StopThe Myths Forum entitled
Hutton shows her hate openly
posted on 11th December. The following discourse may be found as so
Cristobell Today at 10:42 pm
Gerry was deluded into believing he could fool all the people, all of the time, and lets face it, we almost had another tragedy on the scale of the death of Diana, such was the public response.
This sentence is not a question inquiring about the case. It is a nasty and vicious slur on a man who has committed no crime and is desperate to find his missing child? Is it any wonder when you post such vicious and hateful claims that you are labelled “a hater”?
Their campaign was successful beyond their wildest dreams.
No it was not. Do you not have the tiniest amount of understanding in that nodding head of yours that the success that the McCanns dream of is them being re-united with their daughter. Your sick pretence to understand their dreams is tantamount to an evil rejoicing in their failure to find her. Yet more good reason for that label of ‘hater’ to stick to you like glue.
I tend to think these days that the McCann case will forever be linked to the birth of social networks, I may have said this elsewhere. Within hours Madeleine's face was was part of a chain mail campaign, one of those pass this on to at least 10 people or your doomed emails that are now happily spammed out, but they flourished in 2007.
I tend to think that you are now showing your truer colours. This nastiness is the real you isn’t it? There was no “doomed email” with Madeleine’s picture. There was a great swell of love for a missing child and a real and perceived desire to do whatever could be done to find her, no matter how small that action might be. Thus thousands stood in cold stadia and watched videos in virtual silence, football stars begged for news, people went up to Brian Kennedy and literally forced money on him in the hope it might help, people passed emails willingly with the little girl’s picture in the hope they were helping. But you see none of that. You call those efforts spam and doomed emails. Your comments are absolutely sick and perverse.
From the photos we have seen Kate and Gerry rarely left their laptops,
That is simply not true. I challenge you to provide proof of that claim. But I know you cannot do so because you have once again been caught in the act of posting pure lies.
the internet is a great leveler and they not only had access to the great and good, they were having doors flung open for them. They managed to convince 'everyone' that they were victims, money would help them find their daughter and it was evil to question them.
Your vicious nature is so evident in those two lines. The parents of a missing little girl are being vilified by you and you cannot substantiate any of the claims you are making about them. Your actions are bordering on evil they are so perverse.
Unfortunately for them, those heady days have now gone. The internet which turned them into a Cause Celebre, has blown apart their flimsy story because information is freely available, its not confined by borders anymore.
Again you sound like a nasty, spiteful person attacking the very vulnerable parents of a missing child. Why are you posting such spite and hate? You claimed on Icke TV to be simply questioning and inquiring but that was yet another of your lies. There has not been a question yet in this post of yours. It has been a stream of demented harridan-style shrieks of anger and hate at missing Madeleine’s parents? What is it about you that is making you so vicious?
The British public can find the true story behind this case, simply by Googling Madeleine McCann.
No, they cannot. That is an absurd and ridiculous claim. If the true story was actually known why would there be no solution to the case? Why would the police forces of both theUK
and Portugal
be actively seeking that truth? You are simply posting idiotic nonsense now.
Gerry's posturing with Hacked Off is comparable to King Canute attempting to order the tide to turn back.
Gerry is just one of the victims of the horrendously poor reporting whichUK
papers have descended into over the years. There are many other cases which
your post also is decrying. For the sake of those people and everyone else who
deserves not to be misused by the press there are people making a stand. Just
because you are so engrossed in your campaign against the McCanns and cannot
see the full picture does not mean it does not exist.
He truly believes he can keep the facts of the case away from theUK
forevermore, and who can blame him, thus far he has been successful.
Again, that cannabis-addled brain of yours has missed two vital points. It is not success for Gerry till he has closure (preferably the return of his daughter alive) and it is not the aim of the McCanns to keep the case of Madeleine hidden. Only the most pot-riddled brain could believe that rubbish.
But back closer to topic, unfortunately such is the standard of education in this country we are still faced with the mentality, 'well I've got nothing to hide, so I don't care'.
There is much evidence of the appalling standard of illiteracy and poor education on all the anti McCann sites, even in your own blog where spellings and grammatical errors abound but as you say so frequently, “Ce la vie!” (sic). Actually I laughed uproariously earlier today when I was informed that you were once a Lecturer in English. Go on prove me wrong a 110 times about that and demonstrate that you were. I bet that you cannot and that is yet another lie from you.
I usually ask such people if they are happy to have their medical and financial details on a large database, accessible to to every penpushing jobsworth who may, or may not, decide to make their lives a misery.
And you are part of the anti McCann group who are demanding to see the private records of Kate and Madeleine McCann. Your pathetic hypocrisy is there for all to see.
I am truly disgusted that you went on air the other day bemoaning the fact that you were called a hater, telling the viewer that you were merely inquiring and asking questions when you have posted this shrieking hatred with not a question in it.
You are beneath contempt for your vicious hate demonstrated so clearly here and for your continual lying.
Gerry was deluded into believing he could fool all the people, all of the time, and lets face it, we almost had another tragedy on the scale of the death of Diana, such was the public response.
This sentence is not a question inquiring about the case. It is a nasty and vicious slur on a man who has committed no crime and is desperate to find his missing child? Is it any wonder when you post such vicious and hateful claims that you are labelled “a hater”?
Their campaign was successful beyond their wildest dreams.
No it was not. Do you not have the tiniest amount of understanding in that nodding head of yours that the success that the McCanns dream of is them being re-united with their daughter. Your sick pretence to understand their dreams is tantamount to an evil rejoicing in their failure to find her. Yet more good reason for that label of ‘hater’ to stick to you like glue.
I tend to think these days that the McCann case will forever be linked to the birth of social networks, I may have said this elsewhere. Within hours Madeleine's face was was part of a chain mail campaign, one of those pass this on to at least 10 people or your doomed emails that are now happily spammed out, but they flourished in 2007.
I tend to think that you are now showing your truer colours. This nastiness is the real you isn’t it? There was no “doomed email” with Madeleine’s picture. There was a great swell of love for a missing child and a real and perceived desire to do whatever could be done to find her, no matter how small that action might be. Thus thousands stood in cold stadia and watched videos in virtual silence, football stars begged for news, people went up to Brian Kennedy and literally forced money on him in the hope it might help, people passed emails willingly with the little girl’s picture in the hope they were helping. But you see none of that. You call those efforts spam and doomed emails. Your comments are absolutely sick and perverse.
From the photos we have seen Kate and Gerry rarely left their laptops,
That is simply not true. I challenge you to provide proof of that claim. But I know you cannot do so because you have once again been caught in the act of posting pure lies.
the internet is a great leveler and they not only had access to the great and good, they were having doors flung open for them. They managed to convince 'everyone' that they were victims, money would help them find their daughter and it was evil to question them.
Your vicious nature is so evident in those two lines. The parents of a missing little girl are being vilified by you and you cannot substantiate any of the claims you are making about them. Your actions are bordering on evil they are so perverse.
Unfortunately for them, those heady days have now gone. The internet which turned them into a Cause Celebre, has blown apart their flimsy story because information is freely available, its not confined by borders anymore.
Again you sound like a nasty, spiteful person attacking the very vulnerable parents of a missing child. Why are you posting such spite and hate? You claimed on Icke TV to be simply questioning and inquiring but that was yet another of your lies. There has not been a question yet in this post of yours. It has been a stream of demented harridan-style shrieks of anger and hate at missing Madeleine’s parents? What is it about you that is making you so vicious?
The British public can find the true story behind this case, simply by Googling Madeleine McCann.
No, they cannot. That is an absurd and ridiculous claim. If the true story was actually known why would there be no solution to the case? Why would the police forces of both the
Gerry's posturing with Hacked Off is comparable to King Canute attempting to order the tide to turn back.
Gerry is just one of the victims of the horrendously poor reporting which
He truly believes he can keep the facts of the case away from the
Again, that cannabis-addled brain of yours has missed two vital points. It is not success for Gerry till he has closure (preferably the return of his daughter alive) and it is not the aim of the McCanns to keep the case of Madeleine hidden. Only the most pot-riddled brain could believe that rubbish.
But back closer to topic, unfortunately such is the standard of education in this country we are still faced with the mentality, 'well I've got nothing to hide, so I don't care'.
There is much evidence of the appalling standard of illiteracy and poor education on all the anti McCann sites, even in your own blog where spellings and grammatical errors abound but as you say so frequently, “Ce la vie!” (sic). Actually I laughed uproariously earlier today when I was informed that you were once a Lecturer in English. Go on prove me wrong a 110 times about that and demonstrate that you were. I bet that you cannot and that is yet another lie from you.
I usually ask such people if they are happy to have their medical and financial details on a large database, accessible to to every penpushing jobsworth who may, or may not, decide to make their lives a misery.
And you are part of the anti McCann group who are demanding to see the private records of Kate and Madeleine McCann. Your pathetic hypocrisy is there for all to see.
I am truly disgusted that you went on air the other day bemoaning the fact that you were called a hater, telling the viewer that you were merely inquiring and asking questions when you have posted this shrieking hatred with not a question in it.
You are beneath contempt for your vicious hate demonstrated so clearly here and for your continual lying.
Only coming into this spat late I can only assume this remark below from Cristobell on Twitter on 17th Decemeber was her response to the above.
'If you think I am wasting my time reading all that shite you are mistaken. As if LOL'
Yes, this is what passes for debate on Maddie Forums...do you want to be part of it?
Now on to Tony Bennett in Twitterland.. and a tweet I
noticed on 27th August from a disgruntled banned forum member calling himself
...in which case I apologise sincerely for my error. All tweets and threads on
JillHavern forum referring to you and Mirror removed
Quite what the Daily Mirror had to do with it I don’t know
but it would appear that Kepharel and that newspaper formed part of an
accusation by Bennett. I have checked
postings on CMOMM and found the postings of the Kepharel character to be
entertaining though he personally exhibits a high degree of conceit and a ‘look
how clever I am’ attitude. I can
understand why he was banned in the context of CMOMM’s intolerance to debate. What is irritating is Bennett’s remark that
all tweets and threads on CMOMM have been removed so we will never know for
sure why Kepharel was banned. What was I
saying again about a Cold War Central European State and a Maddie Forum?
Taking a break now and then on to that Ullapool thread discussion, maybe later today.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
The McCanns and the Tapas 7 maybe.. a distinction?
Bearing in mind the purpose of this blog should be primarily one of the disappearance of their child, it may be better if the focus was split between the McCanns and the rest of the party. Remember too, like Dianne Webster, the McCanns rarely, if ever, met communally at lunchtime at the Payne's apartment with the rest of the Tapas, preferring to make their own arrangements. Some critics, clutching at straws in the author's view, suggest a tension within the group prior to the mayhem that was to unfold on May 3rd and 4th.
As close friends of the Paynes, Kate and Gerry had had several holidays together with them and other friends of the Paynes. Goncalo Amaral, a lead investigator in the disappearnce tells us, in his book 'The Truth Of The Lie', that In September 2003 they attended the Payne's wedding in Umbria, Italy, and took a holiday in Lanzarote in January 2005 and again in Majorca in the September of that year. According to Rachael Oldfields testimony of 15th May, the group, without the McCanns, also took a holiday in Zante, Greece in 2006. This group, it would appear, were no strangers to one another and comfortable in each others company. From Rachael Oldfield's testimony:
"When asked she says that all the couples have been together for various years (between 8 and 12 years).
They all have stable relationships. She does not know whether any female or male members of the group have had any other relationships between them, other than the current.
She does not have any knowledge of whether any member has a parallel relationship with any other members of the group.
When asked, she says that there is no friction or conflict between those that make up the group as they are in total harmony as regards the kind of holidays they take, they all have good jobs and identical levels of living as well as having the children in common, whom they all have to look after and they try as hard as possible to do everything together.
She says that in terms of harmony and friendship the group is very close."
Excluding events between the 28th April and 2nd May, some might feel, is appropriate because, in essence 'nothing' happened. To do so would, my opinion, give no indication of how the dynamics of the group, especially including the children, worked during that period, and offer no insight into why some of the things that happened during the 3rd May happened in the way that they did. Each member of the group had their own routine, and this can be teased out from the content of the testimony, so each person will be looked at seperately.
In looking at testimony and events prior to 3rd May I have tried not to be too analytical regarding timelines as this detracts from the nature of what a holiday actually is. The Butlin Camp regimentation of a 1950's holiday has long gone, thankfully, though I daresay, tongue in cheek, it would have been of some considerable help in this investigation. The events of May 3rd, however will be examined a lot more closely. As I have said at the beginning, what is apparent, though, is that the McCanns were not so group oriented as the others and as such their holiday experience was a little more insular, though they took full advantage of the crèche facilities for their children much as everyone else.
It must be said that many who have read material regarding this case have raised a critical eyebrow over the alacrity and regularity with which this group deposited their children in creches while pursuing their own holiday interests during the week. Neither did any of the group feel, it would seem, that an evening meal with their children was ever an option, preferring instead to leave them asleep in their apartment while they dined free from care in the nearby Tapas Bar: Much more will be said about this later on because this action in particular sits at the eye of the storm of this mystery. So, not so much a family holiday then, some might say, as a singles holiday with children.
So tomorrow I will start to look more closely at the characters and what they got up to on their holiday until the day of the disappearance. The disappearance itself is a whole new matter.
As close friends of the Paynes, Kate and Gerry had had several holidays together with them and other friends of the Paynes. Goncalo Amaral, a lead investigator in the disappearnce tells us, in his book 'The Truth Of The Lie', that In September 2003 they attended the Payne's wedding in Umbria, Italy, and took a holiday in Lanzarote in January 2005 and again in Majorca in the September of that year. According to Rachael Oldfields testimony of 15th May, the group, without the McCanns, also took a holiday in Zante, Greece in 2006. This group, it would appear, were no strangers to one another and comfortable in each others company. From Rachael Oldfield's testimony:
"When asked she says that all the couples have been together for various years (between 8 and 12 years).
They all have stable relationships. She does not know whether any female or male members of the group have had any other relationships between them, other than the current.
She does not have any knowledge of whether any member has a parallel relationship with any other members of the group.
When asked, she says that there is no friction or conflict between those that make up the group as they are in total harmony as regards the kind of holidays they take, they all have good jobs and identical levels of living as well as having the children in common, whom they all have to look after and they try as hard as possible to do everything together.
She says that in terms of harmony and friendship the group is very close."
Excluding events between the 28th April and 2nd May, some might feel, is appropriate because, in essence 'nothing' happened. To do so would, my opinion, give no indication of how the dynamics of the group, especially including the children, worked during that period, and offer no insight into why some of the things that happened during the 3rd May happened in the way that they did. Each member of the group had their own routine, and this can be teased out from the content of the testimony, so each person will be looked at seperately.
In looking at testimony and events prior to 3rd May I have tried not to be too analytical regarding timelines as this detracts from the nature of what a holiday actually is. The Butlin Camp regimentation of a 1950's holiday has long gone, thankfully, though I daresay, tongue in cheek, it would have been of some considerable help in this investigation. The events of May 3rd, however will be examined a lot more closely. As I have said at the beginning, what is apparent, though, is that the McCanns were not so group oriented as the others and as such their holiday experience was a little more insular, though they took full advantage of the crèche facilities for their children much as everyone else.
It must be said that many who have read material regarding this case have raised a critical eyebrow over the alacrity and regularity with which this group deposited their children in creches while pursuing their own holiday interests during the week. Neither did any of the group feel, it would seem, that an evening meal with their children was ever an option, preferring instead to leave them asleep in their apartment while they dined free from care in the nearby Tapas Bar: Much more will be said about this later on because this action in particular sits at the eye of the storm of this mystery. So, not so much a family holiday then, some might say, as a singles holiday with children.
So tomorrow I will start to look more closely at the characters and what they got up to on their holiday until the day of the disappearance. The disappearance itself is a whole new matter.
Flatters to deceive
Good morning!
Let’s carry on for a moment with how the CMOMM presents
itself to new users. As I pointed out,
the home page offers a shop window of seemingly respectable research groups,
and the prospective member (PM) may find titles such as ‘The Knutsford Research
Group’ and ‘The Madeleine Foundation’ reassuringly highbrow and heavyweight
titles of respectability. The ‘tecs’ in ‘The Fund and Private Tecs Research
Group’ might even sound, to the naïve, like some kind of acronym of authority,
but this is not the case.
If the PM does see through this window dressing, and has
conducted previous independent research, he/she will have come across the name Tony
Bennett, maybe read one or two of Bennett’s posts in the Forum even. He or she
may therefore be aware that ‘The Madeleine Foundation’ is his vehicle of bias
and subjectivity. A cynical PM might
even see his lack of status within the Forum, though a founding member, is at
odds with the presence of his ‘Madeleine Foundation’ which carries, by way of a
green legend, some kind of status within CMOMM.
Two members of the Forum, ‘hentie’ and ‘maebee’ are colour coded green
to signify they operate within the auspices of the Madeleine Foundation and
must surely be under the control of Bennett. So why does Bennett not associate
himself with the Foundation within CMOMM and give himself a ‘green’ persona,
after all, it is his Foundation? Who
knows? J.
Look, this is not a rant at the Forum itself, I shall be
taking an equally critical look at pro McCann forums and websites too. It is merely an observation on the
disingenuous way this particular Forum
presents itself to the world; something akin to a magician with a deck of cards
in my opinion; illusion rules perhaps. So for the PM seeking enlightenment and
the chance to share their insights, caveat emptor!!
I have said in a previous post there is a fundamentalism in
Maddie Forums that feed the preconceptions and egos of the Forum owners, and
like some 50’s style central European state they are primarily unhealthy and
repressive in their outlook. This Forum is not shaping up well to open and
honest debate.
Let’s leave all that for a moment though and look at one of
the two discussion groups I had mentioned previously, as in my opinion there
are effectively only two. The ‘Latest
News’ discussion group is intended to cover all the breaking news associated
with Madeleine McCann, however as such news surfaces only
![]() |
First off!! I've never heard of The Complete Mystery Of Madeleine McCann Forum and second!! they must be mistaken |
occasionally there is
often not much choice other than to recycle old news over and over again. So what goes on in this group? I have taken a look at the previous 3 months
(Oct-Dec) to see what typically taxes members and prompts them to post.
What makes a dynamic discussion group? well ideally thoughtful subjects for debate argued with pro's and cons by a wide range of members over a fair period of time. in the Latest News section there were 90 or so posts by 40 odd members. Largest contributors were Candyfloss, the site moderator with 9 posts, Petemac with 17, and Tony Bennett with 10. The effective life of a topic of up to 2 days ocurred with 24 posts. That's to say almost 30% of topics were, effectively duds with little group interest. Hot topics, say over 10,000 views each numbered 23 of the 90. By a narrow margin, the most viewed topic was
What makes a dynamic discussion group? well ideally thoughtful subjects for debate argued with pro's and cons by a wide range of members over a fair period of time. in the Latest News section there were 90 or so posts by 40 odd members. Largest contributors were Candyfloss, the site moderator with 9 posts, Petemac with 17, and Tony Bennett with 10. The effective life of a topic of up to 2 days ocurred with 24 posts. That's to say almost 30% of topics were, effectively duds with little group interest. Hot topics, say over 10,000 views each numbered 23 of the 90. By a narrow margin, the most viewed topic was
Former Ullapool teacher struck off for indecent images
viewed 16,773 times at the time I did my analysis. It was authored by Candyfloss, a site moderator. and has absolutely nothing to do with Madeleine McCann. At it's inception this topic may have been more suited to the 'Have your say: News Topics' discussion group where it would have died a quiet death, but that's just my view, not that of a site moderator. The topic has been live for 16 days, and my suspicion is that the original subject matter has morphed somehow from a schoolteacher who hordes indecent images of children into recycled news about Madeleine. It will be interesting to see how this topic has evolved, who got involved etc etc and I'll let you know tomorrow.
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
Misunderstood or just a plain devious bunch of villains
Let the Tapas speak please, and without
interruption...plenty of time to ask awkward questions about what they got up
to later on...thank you for your patience.
The Tapas 9 - How Could They?!!
Hindsight, they say, is a wonderful thing. If the reader can just place themselves at
the Tapas bar in the Mark Warner Holiday resort for a moment please, go on,
close your eyes! Thank you.
It'sMay 1st 2007 and t here you are, having a quiet beer and just people watching;
looking around at those dining al fresco, until your gaze rests upon a large
group laughing and joking among themselves.
You decide they are a well heeled middle class bunch who must know one
another pretty well; seemingly relaxed, old buddies and definitely not people
befriending on the holiday itself.
Turning back to your beer, you think no more of it, then, one morning a few months later, taking a sandwich at lunch at your desk you casually pick up a newspaper and catch an article about a little girl who disappeared while on holiday at the same resort as you were, and not only that the same time as you.
Intrigued, you take a look at the pictures in the paper accompanying the article and, you have a vague feeling you saw them yourself while you were there. The article tells you they were all senior medical professionals and the like; heart surgeons and such, and the little girl went missing while she was left alone in her apartment for an entire evening, every evening, unsupervised. How could they, of all people, do such a thing?
It's a question often asked of these people.
So who exactly were they? Well, first off, let's introduce them. This summary from the gerryccannsblogs.co.uk website and elsewhere.
So who exactly were they? Well, first off, let's introduce them. This summary from the gerryccannsblogs.co.uk website and elsewhere.
Kate McCann: Mother of three. Studied medicine at University
of Dundee , initially Gynaecology,
then Anaesthesiology. Family commitments
led her to become a part time G.P.
Gerry McCann: Studied medicine at Glasgow
University , initially specialising
in sports related medicine, then splitting his time as a Cardiologist between a
private consultancy with BUPA and The University Hospital Leicester.
David Payne: Held a temporary post as a Senior research
Fellow in Cardiovascular Sciences
Leicester University
unitl 2003, then a surgeon at Leicester Royal Infirmary specialising in strokes.
Fiona Payne: Mother of two. From her rogatory interview on 10th April 2008 with Leicester Police
we learn she is an anaesthetist working at Leicester
working in obstetrics, on the labour ward doing epidurals and caesarean
sections, in ICU and theatres and resuscitation.
Tomorrow I'll take a quick look at the dynamics of the relationships inside this group, nothing in depth though, just scene setting is all.
Madeleine herself
Before I start, happy new year world!!! May the year bring all you wish for you and yours.... Now lets continue with the Madeleine mystery.....
You are reading these words because you are interested in the disappearance of a little girl by the name of Madeleine Beth McCann, while asleep, on holiday in Apartment 5A at the Mark Warner Holiday Complex in Praia Da Luz, Southern Portugal on 3rd May 2007: That or your internet browsing experience has taken a rather odd turn and you are about to hit the browser back button. Of course I'm interested too, enough to write a blog on the subject that will explain how the state of affairs we are at now has evolved, for the benefit of new recruits to the mystery.
The more pertinent question, however is why are we so interested. People disappear every day and are never seen again, many of them children. Sometimes the disappearance makes it into a national newspaper, footnoted alongside adverts for deaf aids and competing with reports of World Conker/Bungee jumping competitions. So why has Madeleine McCann become a global news story?
Putting a face to this little girl is easy, for images of her abound throughout the internet. What we see is a pretty, but otherwise physically unremarkable young girl. She was not even special as a personality, how could she be? Not even four years old; a personality is still embryonic; evolving, and therefore generic in terms of any other little girl; nothing to point her out in a crowd.
Some may argue that the 'social status' of the parents, being professional people to whom we would trust our well-being, even our lives, is part of the fascination. Personally, I disagree, if only because, in my opinion, their perceived complicity in the girl's disappearance - or not, has shallow roots in the chattering classes who inhabit internet forums: They are a subset to the mystery; the tail of the dog, and we all know the tail never wags the dog.
You are reading these words because you are interested in the disappearance of a little girl by the name of Madeleine Beth McCann, while asleep, on holiday in Apartment 5A at the Mark Warner Holiday Complex in Praia Da Luz, Southern Portugal on 3rd May 2007: That or your internet browsing experience has taken a rather odd turn and you are about to hit the browser back button. Of course I'm interested too, enough to write a blog on the subject that will explain how the state of affairs we are at now has evolved, for the benefit of new recruits to the mystery.
![]() |
Apt 5A showing the steps leading from the balcony onto Rua Dr Fransisco Gentil Martins |
Putting a face to this little girl is easy, for images of her abound throughout the internet. What we see is a pretty, but otherwise physically unremarkable young girl. She was not even special as a personality, how could she be? Not even four years old; a personality is still embryonic; evolving, and therefore generic in terms of any other little girl; nothing to point her out in a crowd.
Some may argue that the 'social status' of the parents, being professional people to whom we would trust our well-being, even our lives, is part of the fascination. Personally, I disagree, if only because, in my opinion, their perceived complicity in the girl's disappearance - or not, has shallow roots in the chattering classes who inhabit internet forums: They are a subset to the mystery; the tail of the dog, and we all know the tail never wags the dog.
This is no reason, though, to ignore what little information we have about her short life up to the point of her disappearance. To do so would relegate her to a debating point devoid of any personality; any humanity, however much it may be a mere work in progress for one so young. So let's, out of respect take a look at what we do know, little as it is, to reinforce our understanding that she did have an effect on those she came into contact with, however superficial that may be.
Whatever the reader may feel personally about Kate McCann, as Madeleine's mother she knew the little girl best. We have a few of these recollections from Kate in her book. Madeleine suffered from colic and cried for much of the
first 4 months. In 2006 Kate tells us of
a little girl on a visit to Stonehurst Farm who loved feeding the sheep,
talking to donkeys and swinging on a rope in the Barn, and chatting away to the
farmer. She was a confident independent
little girl who at 3 was incredibly bright and perceptive. She loved Harry Potter, introducing an
imaginary Harry, Hermione and the rest to her mum one at a time. Some insight too can be found from others.
From Karen McCalmen's Rogatory interview with Leicester Police on 16th May 2008.
"I never saw Madeleine ill and I consider her a healthy child. I never saw changes in her behaviour.
"I always think of Madeleine as an alert and affectionate girl who liked to live. She was very advanced for her age and independent. She liked to dance and to dress up."
Not much I'm afraid, but at least we can remind ourselves she was a living breathing little human being with it all in front of her.
From Karen McCalmen's Rogatory interview with Leicester Police on 16th May 2008.
"I never saw Madeleine ill and I consider her a healthy child. I never saw changes in her behaviour.
Madeleine never made complaints about anybody. She never showed
bad behaviour, in fact she was almost the perfect child. We could hear her
reason [talk/discuss/argue] like she was an adult.
She never seemed scared. She was not hyperactive.
Regarding the sleep habits of Madeleine, Kate told me that when
they lived in Queniborough Madeleine used to wake in the middle of the night
and come to bed with the parents for the rest of the night. When they moved to
Rothley she began to do this less often and the parents used to give her
stickers as a bonus to sleep all night alone.
I remember that many of these stickers were there at home, by
night she slept the night all alone. The stickers were stuck on the door of the
Kate and Gerry never seemed tired and never argued about how to
handle the children.
I have no knowledge of Madeleine at any time to have been
subjected to medication. I only remember her being given paracetamol once when
she had a cold.
I think the behaviour of Madeleine appropriate for her age. She
was very energetic, but a model child. She liked to swim, play tennis and ride
a bicycle and attend kindergarten."
Also from Hayley Plummer in her Rogatory interview with leicester Police on 6th May 2008
"Madeline was a very polite and affectionate girl, particularly
in respect to the twins. At the nursery she was a very popular girl and it was
a pleasure to have her near.
She seemed to be a very alert girl and she always adapted well.
The only time I remember her feeling a little intimidated was when she changed
classroom for the first time and she was placed with more children who were a
bit older.
She would show some shyness when she was left by her parents but
she adapted rapidly so that they would leave after she finished her breakfast.
Madeleine made many friends at the nursery but her best friend
was Sophia. I think that Kate and Sophia's mother (Sally) became good friends
based upon the friendship between their daughters."
And from Sharon Lewin, a teaching assistant in her Rogatory on 21st April 2008
"I always think of Madeleine as an alert and affectionate girl who liked to live. She was very advanced for her age and independent. She liked to dance and to dress up."
Not much I'm afraid, but at least we can remind ourselves she was a living breathing little human being with it all in front of her.
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann Forum (CMOMM) some facts and figures
Any stats I come up with here are to be taken at face value
when you decide whether such Forums are of any use to you. I don’t know whether they are good or bad
because I have not compared them to any other Forum. In any case, the personality of the Forum is
probably more important, and whether this is a place you will love, or wouldn’t
be seen dead in. There again, looking at
the structure of CMOMM does no harm and might be informative.
As I speak this morning there are 118 users on-line, 111 of
them guests. The total number of registered users (members I guess) is 3,206,
up from 2084 in November 2012 which tells us this Forum continues to grow at a healthy rate. How much of the increase is due to a drive to
enlist in October 2013, following the BBC Crime-watch re-enactment is not known
but could be significant…who knows J In any 24 hours there may be around 200
registered users popping in for a look-see.
The Forum owner ‘joined’ on 25th November 2009 so we can take it that is
when the Forum came on-line.
Interestingly, Tony Bennett, their most high profile member joined on
that date too; I will leave you to make your own assumptions here. More
peculiar, given his ‘national’ status, is his pervasive and very influential
presence in the running of the Forum while not appearing to hold any
official status.
The forum is policed and supported as follows.
Forum Owner
Forum Support
MM research Group
Knutsford Research Group
Fund and Private Tecs research
Madeleine Foundation.
All pretty impressive eh?
Well maybe, we’ll see.
Let’s take a look at these pretendy research groups.
The Madeleine McCann Research Group appear to be behind a
publication entitled “50 facts about the Maddie case that the British Media are
not telling you” At least according to one pro-McCann blogger I have found on
the ‘net. (I told you it would be like this didn’t I?). It is manned by Forum
members such as ‘Tigger’ and ‘PeterMac’ What is the poor, uninformed,
prospective Forum member to make of this?
The Madeleine Foundation is a vehicle for Tony Bennett,
publishing such titles as “The Madeleine McCann Case Files Volume 1” and “What
really happened to Madeleine McCann? 60 reasons which suggest she was not
abducted” A visit to the site has piqued my interest in Bennett and I shall be
taking a closer look at him at some point.
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The Knutsford Research Group enforcer. Of course you've heard of them. They're big in Research and Investigation don't you know. |
The Knutsford Research Group draws a blank I’m afraid. It may be something to do with the David
Edgar/Arthur Cowley investigation into Madeleine’s disappearance set up by
Brian Kennedy, a wealthy McCann supporter, which operated out of Knutsford.
The Fund and Private Tecs Research Group maybe is just that,
somebody somewhere is looking into matters relating to the McCanns considerable
No Stone Unturned fund, and maybe into the shenanigans involving the antics of
the sometimes farcical private investigators Kate and Gerry have employed over
the years.
All in all this offering to prospective members by the Forum of serious research by research groups which sound like respectable bodies of
integrity is a bit of a sham. For
research read propaganda maybe.
Tomorrow I want to continue with some stats, look at the
Forum members who are officers assigned with responsibilities, and maybe start
taking a peek inside what gets discussed in discussion groups.
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